About us

GOOD FERTILIZERS - is a brand of calcium fertilizers, supplementing the offer of products available on our market with a good line fertilizers at an economical lower price. To meet the needs of the market, we have managed to create a compromise between price and quality. The basic goal is to guarantee even greater availability of calcium fertilizers, and hence rational liming and proper fertilization planning. We invite you to familiarize yourself with ours offer.


Granulated lime fertilizer - variety 04
CaCO3 - min. 93% , CaO - min. 50%

Fertilizer based on crushed limestone with moderate solubility and reactivity. Due to its properties, the product is especially recommended for light soils requiring a larger grain in fertilizer, in order to keep it in the soil profile longer.


Granulated magnesium lime - variety 05
CaMg(CO3)2 - min. 95%
MgO - min. 16% , CaO - min. 28%

Magnesium lime based on crushed dolomite. Product with moderate reactivity, high neutralization power recommended for conservative liming. Especially recommended for light soils with a magnesium deficiency with a poor humus layer.

Product Advantages

Good quality

Good price

Good choice


+48 530 566 733



Dobre Nawozy Sp. z o.o.

98-324 Krzeczów,

Wschodnia Street 27

Work hours

Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 16:00pm

Saturday: closed